
Personalized massage therapy focused on reducing pain with a mind/body approach that includes everything your body needs to achieve total well-being so you can feel your best you. Online booking available.


Discover how to take control over the excessive stress + anxiety of daily life with meditation. Classes teach you mindfulness & the ability to respond instead of reacting to stressful circumstances in life to achieve peace of mind.

Sound Bath

A therapeutic and restorative experience for both beginners and experienced meditators. The powerful sounds of crystal singing bowls are used to nurture the mind and body and shift brain waves from an active to a relaxed state.


This blended treatment involves Reiki energy with light touch and then being put under therapeutic hypnosis. Enlightens you to what is causing the things you want to change in your life. Empowers you to build new patterns with better outcomes & lasting change using new neurological pathways.

Our offerings are...
trauma-informed, LGBTQ+ friendly and body positive